The first Sabbath Thought I ever wrote was just a short little email sent to a handful of interested friends. That was six and a half years ago, and it’s safe to say that Sabbath Thoughts has seen a little revamping since then. The mailing list hasn’t gone anywhere, but now it’s just the complement to a full-fledged blog and a Facebook fan page with over 1,100 likes, which absolutely boggles my mind.
That’s not a huge number—a page called “Bieber Buddies” has nearly 200,000 likes, and all it does is obsessively post pictures of Justin Bieber. But I write weekly commentaries focused on Christian living and the law of God—and with a title like “Sabbath Thoughts,” I can’t help but feel that 1,100 is a pretty respectable figure when it comes to one of the world’s most obscure target audiences. I remember being shocked when I hit triple digits, so to see that counter sitting at over a thousand is a special kind of humbling.
Which I guess brings me to the point of this post. It’s not your typical Sabbath Thought, because today I wanted to take the time to say thank you.
Keeping this thing going isn’t always easy. Some weeks the writing comes easy, and some weeks I spend hours staring at a blank screen until I feel like tossing my laptop out the window and calling it quits. But something changes after the post goes live and I start getting responses—and that’s thanks to you.
So thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you to those of you who take the time to comment on or share the posts you find worthwhile. Thank you for the feedback, the encouragement, and the kindness. Knowing a post has meant something to even a single person makes all the effort worth it—and so many of you, strangers and friends alike, have taken the time to do just that. I count myself among the luckiest to know that I’ve been given the opportunity to serve you in such a way.
Thank you also to my brother-in-law Drew, who was generous enough to make this website a possibility. Thank you to my wife, Mary, who continues to support and encourage me in this even when it isn’t easy for either of us. But thank you most of all to our Father in heaven, without which none of this would be even remotely possible—for we know that “neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:7). It is only through God’s continued blessing that this blog has amounted to anything, and that I think is the most humbling thing of all.
I have a lot of ideas for things I’d like to do with Sabbath Thoughts moving forward, but we’ll see what God has planned! I’m interested in hearing from you as well—what sort of things would you like to start seeing here? What would you do to improve this blog? I’d love any suggestions you have to offer!
Thank you all again. Any capacity in which I can serve you is an absolute privilege from God, and I hope that many more years of Sabbath Thoughts lie ahead. Have a wonderful Sabbath, everyone.
Thank YOU, Jeremy. Your Sabbath Thoughts are truly inspired by God. Always wonderfully written and such a joy to read them. Happy Sabbath.
During the times when some of the weeks, your writing does not come easy, please remember that there are also times when our “reading” goes through the same. Keep writing, keep going, keep inspiring.
Jeremy, I have to say that I may not comment on every blog, but you have helped me through some really tough moments with your words. The best part is knowing they are Gods words that you have so beautifully reinerated for us in a way that truly applies to so many of us, it’s made so easy to understand and relate too.
Wishing you and Mary a nice Sabbath <3
I love you, Sweetheart. Please don’t ever stop writing.
May God continue to inspire you and bless what you are doing! We thank you for your writings! I anxiously watch my posts/inbox each week for the next one!!
Your Sabbath Thoughts are very inspiring & uplifting. I look forward to reading them. Your writings are inspired by our loving God!
Thank you Jeremy for your loyalty to God and sharing your thoughts with us❤️