Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

Boy, it would be easier if all we had to do was pray for our weekly bread, wouldn’t it? Or monthly bread. Quarterly bread, even. But that’s not the instruction Jesus gave us. He said to pray like this: “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). We don’t get to...
Smooshing the Clay

Smooshing the Clay

You and I—we’re not perfect. We know that. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? We follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ because we know we’re not perfect. Because we need help. Because we want to be more like God. And that’s the request we keep making, isn’t it? “God,...
The Wilderness Road

The Wilderness Road

Sixteen years. It was today, sixteen years ago, that I formally told God I was serious about this—that I wanted to see this journey through to the end. I was thinking this morning about the second generation of Israelites who came out of Egypt. I wonder if they ever...
Learning to Love God’s Law

Learning to Love God’s Law

“Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Psalm 119:97). For a long time, I had trouble wrapping my head around that sentiment. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate God’s law. I did appreciate it. I had the blessing of being raised in the Church by two...
Better Than Stardust

Better Than Stardust

Speaking of the formation of stars and solar systems, astronomer Carl Sagan once wrote, All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of...