by Jeremy | May 4, 2018 | Sabbath Thoughts
Marriage is awesome. Full stop. It tends to be the butt of a lot of jokes and ridicule, so I like to be the contrasting voice as often as I can. Last year, I wrote about 3 Lessons From 4 Awesome Years of Marriage, and this year I’m back again with a few more...
by Jeremy | Apr 13, 2018 | Sabbath Thoughts
There will be a last time I ever make a stupid decision. There will be a last time I stub my toe. A last article I ever write. A last time I take out the garbage. A last time I eat a donut. A last time I ever change a poopy diaper. There will be a last time I ever see...
by Jeremy | Mar 23, 2018 | Sabbath Thoughts
Have you ever wondered why? The Bible records two separate instances where Jesus miraculously fed thousands and thousands of people with only a handful of loaves and fish. In both accounts, the end result is a stuffed multitude and baskets and baskets of leftovers....
by Jeremy | Mar 16, 2018 | Sabbath Thoughts
During His time on earth, Jesus Christ had a lot of things to say about the Pharisees. They weren’t kind things. Because they sat “in Moses’ seat” (Matthew 23:2), they were responsible for the spiritual guidance and development of the people...
by Jeremy | Mar 2, 2018 | Holy Day
This year, Mary and I decided to deleaven our house in the most exhausting way possible: Extensive. Home. Remodeling. See, we’re hosting the Night to Be Much Remembered this year, so we wanted to liven up the room with a bit of paint. (Currently most of our...