A Lesson From the Gadarenes

A Lesson From the Gadarenes

The Gadarenes had a problem. Well, no. They had two problems—two demon-possessed men, “exceedingly fierce, so that no one could pass that way” (Matthew 8:28). They lived in the tombs of the area, a hazard to travelers and residents alike, and there was...
There Is No Secret to Starting

There Is No Secret to Starting

I used to think there was. I still want there to be one, if we’re being honest—some secret method to get started on important to-dos and make sure important projects keep moving along. But there isn’t. There are things we can do to make the process easier,...
Close Doesn’t Count

Close Doesn’t Count

I have a Fitbit. I have it because I also have an incredibly sedentary desk job, and I am more than capable of going multiple hours without so much as wiggling my big toe. This is, for many reasons, widely considered by the medical field to be what most professionals...
The Zero-Sum Game

The Zero-Sum Game

In the zero-sum game, I can’t win unless you lose. I can’t do better unless you do worse. Lots of things in life are zero-sum. Chess. Football games. Dividing an inheritance. Grabbing the last parking spot in a crowded lot. In all of these examples, one...


“Selah.” That word shows up 71 times in the book of Psalms, but we don’t know for sure what it means. It appears to be some sort of musical instruction, and one theory suggests it indicates a lyrical pause in the psalm—an invitation to stop and reflect on what’s been...