A big ol’ box of air

A big ol’ box of air

I’m big into board games. If you know me, this is no surprise. Even if you don’t know me, it’s probably not much of a surprise. I’ve already shoehorned it into at least one Sabbath Thought, and this probably won’t be the last time, either. A good board game gives you...
The hand that wrote this

The hand that wrote this

The year was 1089. A scribe sat down to finish his current project: a handwritten copy of the gospel accounts in Greek. He wasn’t the first to do it, and he wasn’t the last. He was a single link in a chain stretching back nearly a thousand years before his birth, and...
Dragging God With Us

Dragging God With Us

On Sinai, God gave Moses verbal blueprints for constructing His tabernacle—the tent in which He would dwell with Israel during their time in the wilderness. The very first blueprint God described was for the ark of the testimony. This ornate golden box would be...
A short parable

A short parable

“My choices are my business and no one else’s,” says the man as he drives his car into the concrete median, backing up traffic for miles. The impact of our sin never stops with us. It always, always spreads.
The Unleavened Life: Taking in Sincerity and Truth

The Unleavened Life: Taking in Sincerity and Truth

With three little ones involved, Mary and I have discovered that the deleavening process takes more time than it used to. We lack the time (and energy) to tackle larger chunks of the house in a single evening. Instead, we tend to dedicate entire evenings to smaller...