Sabbath Thoughts

These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The people were terrified—and for that matter, so was their king. They found themselves at the brink of war with an enemy whose army was "as the...

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The Measure of Our Days

The Measure of Our Days

In a little over 24 hours, 2016 will be over. I'm continually amazed at how fast time seems to be moving these days. When I was a kid, time was the...

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Stuffing the Silence

Stuffing the Silence

I have a theory. My theory is this: We're being sabotaged. What's worse, I think we're being sabotaged so subtly that we've become willing...

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If You Lost It All Today

If You Lost It All Today

I have a lot of things I'm thankful for. You probably do, too. And with Thanksgiving just behind us, there's a good chance you recently spent some...

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The Forest and the Trees

The Forest and the Trees

This past Tuesday's election is going to change a lot of things. I'm not exactly sure of what things—and neither are you, if we're being honest....

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And just like that, it's over. Again. Seven days of rejoicing before God—a thousand years of peace and prosperity under the loving reign of Jesus...

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Look Ahead

Look Ahead

There are so many ways to lose sight of what matters. It can be the stack of bills that keeps piling up, even though you're not sure how you're...

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Remember Your Creator

Remember Your Creator

Six thousand years of human history. Six thousand years of empires rising to the height of power, of discoveries allowing us to harness the laws of...

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The King Is Coming

The King Is Coming

It's been a long time since Christ told the Church, "Surely I am coming quickly" (Revelation 22:20). Almost two millennia, actually. And for those...

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A Life Worth Reading About

A Life Worth Reading About

The woman lay still and silent on her bed. She couldn't say a word—but then, she didn't have to. As Peter made his way toward her, he found himself...

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Called to Do Hard Things

Called to Do Hard Things

You have a mission. It's a mission with a single objective: Enter the Kingdom of God. There's a time limit on your mission. You only have so many...

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We have so many tools designed to amplify our voices. We can shout louder, be heard by more people than ever before. Your status update, your tweet...

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Do You Miss the Matrix?

Do You Miss the Matrix?

Your world is a lie. In the year 2199, the human race lost its bitter, drawn-out war against the machines, but not before delivering one grievous...

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Waiting for the Morning

Waiting for the Morning

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." (Psalm 30:5) Not this morning, though. And for the families of the five officers who...

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The Culture of Disposability

The Culture of Disposability

I know a couple who owns a piece of furniture from the Civil War. The Civil War. It was a huge milestone in the Lallier household when our...

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Taking It for Granted

Taking It for Granted

The rubble was silent now. Earlier in the day it had been a temple, the scene of a raucous party where the lords of a wicked nation had gathered to...

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