February 6, 2025

Introducing: Read & Reflect

I mentioned when I re-launched Sabbath Thoughts that I had a new feature I was looking forward to announcing this week.

Well—time to announce it!

One thing I’ve always valued about growing up in the Church are the conversations I get to have about God’s Word. Swapping favorite passages and sharing insights from studies always leaves me feeling encouraged and inspired.

But one thing I’ve always struggled with is starting those conversations. I always enjoy them when they happen, but it’s not always easy to find a way to get into them consistently.

The new Read & Reflect posts are all about providing a place where we can go to do just that.

The idea is simple—every day, there’s a new chapter of the Bible to read. To join in, all you need to do is read the chapter and then leave a comment on the post. It doesn’t have to be anything deep or profound—just something meaningful that struck you on your read-through. Maybe that’s a theme you noticed, or a specific verse that really spoke to you, a question you have—anything like that is perfect.

While you’re there, take a look at what others have shared. Maybe chime in and start a discussion.

I think the more we get into a habit of studying and discussing the Bible, the more we benefit from the process.

BUT—and this is my one big caveat—I want this to be an edifying, encouraging feature of the site. The one thing I don’t want this to devolve into is a platform for angry debate and pet doctrines. So let’s make an effort to keep things respectful, kind, and loving. I reserve the right to remove comments that look like they’re trying to start trouble.

I hope you’ll all join me in this little experiment! It should be a great opportunity to learn and grow together, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes.

Read & Reflect launches this Sunday (February 9, 2025) with the book of Philippians, and it’ll go live every morning at 4:00 AM CST (to give you early birds a chance to chime in). Starting next Friday night, you can expect to see a list of that week’s Read & Reflect posts in your weekly email (in case you missed one!).

Thanks for being a part of this! See you all in the comments next Sunday!

Until next time,



  1. Jason Moore

    Love this! Looking forward to it!

  2. Carol Howerton

    Sounds like an excellent study

  3. Daniel Mwashi

    Sounds good, looking forward to it and thank you.

  4. Faye Mongbeh

    Let “Read & Reflect” begin!

  5. Gayle

    Years ago when UCG was publishing the Bible Reading Program, I practiced this technique with a fellow member in my congregation. We each I knew the other was reading the same material and scriptures, so it was an easy start to that conversation. Looking forward to this!

  6. Nancy

    Love it! Thanks!

  7. Barbara Turner

    It sounds like a very good idea and is a good way to fellowship also.

  8. Linda

    This looks like an awesome way to connect and edify one another!

  9. Rachel

    So excited for this! Thank you, Jeremy!

  10. Josephine E Cochran

    I think this is a wonderful idea, It gives those of us who are homebound due to lllnessess, etc. to listen in and be a part of the group I love this.

  11. Chantelle Reynolds

    Awesome idea!! Can’t wait 🙌

  12. Diane

    Thanks Jeremy for doing this. Love the idea.


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