February 22, 2025

Malachi 1

All chapters: Malachi

Read Malachi 1.

What did you notice in your reading? Share your thoughts, questions, insights, and discoveries below.

It doesn’t need to be deep, profound, or even a new thought. Just something that has value to you!


  1. Jeremy

    The contrast between loving Jacob and hating Esau is difficult for me. It seems to be synonymous for choosing/not choosing (with regards to the covenant, compare Paul in Romans 9:6-13).

    The context of Malachi is a spiritual stalling out after returning to rebuild the temple. The people don’t recognize the incredible privilege they’ve been given as God’s chosen people, and they’re not making the effort in their worship—offering God even less than the bare minimum and failing to recognize how much they’re missing the mark. (Lots of “in what way have we…?”)

    • Diane

      With the business of this temporary life. It is so easy, if we are not mindful, to get in the same stalling frame of mind regarding building the spiritual temple of which we are. I am grateful Rick and I are “of age* and retired. It helps us to focus more on the things that really matter. Keeping our minds on the things of God. Thank you so much. We truly appreciate all you do to help us stay on the right path .

  2. Rebekah Leyden

    This chapter seems to once again speak to the thread that runs through the entire tapestry of the Bible: Adam and Eve’s devastating decision to choose what was right for themselves, Cain’s mindset that what he gave as an offering was good enough, the type of fast that isn’t/ is acceptable to God in Isaiah 58…this type of attitude isn’t one of giving God our first, our best. This mindset is not one of putting God at the forefront or being wholehearted in our worship of Him. This mindset struggles to put self in the backseat, considers our reasoning as good enough and acceptable in our own eyes without considering deeply what consequences treating God so casually may produce.


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