February 23, 2025

Malachi 2

All chapters: Malachi

Read Malachi 2.

What did you notice in your reading? Share your thoughts, questions, insights, and discoveries below.

It doesn’t need to be deep, profound, or even a new thought. Just something that has value to you!


  1. Sarah Earles

    When I first read this book. My natural inclination is to think of those in the world those who knowingly or unknowingly participate in pagan practices or people who again knowingly or unknowingly take life so lightly. But as I meditate on it, I realize this book is to me. Are we not called to be priest and teachers in the future? Am I not to be setting the proper example now living the life that God has called me to live? I so often fail. I know God is extremely merciful, gracious, kind, and loving. But I know he has his limits and he will not forever Overlook our bad behavior and our unwillingness to repent. There is so much in this book to think about it. Meditate on thank you.

    • Diane

      Amen! My husband and I are in our upper 70s and have been in God’s Church for 51+years. It is amazing how God brings a deeper understanding and perspective the more we yield to Him, yearn to have the mind of our Father & Elder Brother and change our personal perspective as we read and study the scriptures and make use of all the resources the church who is the Mother of us all provide for us.


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