“Because they did not fear Me “. Do I get that way ? Do I get caught up with my life and responsibilities that I forget God? I’m ashamed to admit it but I do. When I realize that I’ve been that way I’m so thankful for the verse :6 “for I am the LORD , I do not change; therefore you are not consumed,O sons of Jacob.”. :7…return to Me , and I will return to you “ . I’m so thankful that G ok d has given us a way to be forgiven. And I look forward to the day when verse:17 comes to pass.
Verse 16 says that God hears our conversations we have with one another. and that it is written down before him.
I think about this as it applies to our conversations on the Sabbath. Do we talk about God’s ways and laws? Or Are Our words only about our physical lives, pursuits and pleasures?
“Because they did not fear Me “. Do I get that way ? Do I get caught up with my life and responsibilities that I forget God? I’m ashamed to admit it but I do. When I realize that I’ve been that way I’m so thankful for the verse :6 “for I am the LORD , I do not change; therefore you are not consumed,O sons of Jacob.”. :7…return to Me , and I will return to you “ . I’m so thankful that G ok d has given us a way to be forgiven. And I look forward to the day when verse:17 comes to pass.
Verse 16 says that God hears our conversations we have with one another. and that it is written down before him.
I think about this as it applies to our conversations on the Sabbath. Do we talk about God’s ways and laws? Or Are Our words only about our physical lives, pursuits and pleasures?