When I listen to news commentators or talk radio (which I rarely do) I think of verse :3 the mouth of the fool is a rod of pride. When in truth ,they are often just expressing opinions. Verse :12 is the first real scripture I memorized when I came in the truth , there is a way that seems right to a man ,but its end is the way of death. Which to me means I need to keep my eyes and mind on the word of God because I can’t trust my own ways!
I totally agree! The news today is shouting of opinions and difficult to know what, if anything, is true reporting.
I use the weekly LHT Newsletter which in addition to blogs has a section of World News in Prophecy. Yes! We must stay close to God and His Word since His thoughts are higher than our thoughts & opinions.
Ummm, good catch. I like that analogy. Just like we as God’s people are lights by our example – whether good or bad, we are still lights. Soft and gentle or irritating and glaring. We are still lights.
I was wondering why I didn’t catch that verse. Then I re-read it. Here is the NKJV
Proverbs 14:14 14 The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways,
But a good man will be satisfied from above.
Proverbs 14:10 jumped out at me. What it makes me consider is that only you really know how you think or what are you regret. I also think someone you don’t know does not have the context of your life to experience true joy with you whenever you experience a blessing. Any thoughts?
Ha! I’m catching up on previous days’ readings and this is the one that jumped out at me, too. I think the best you can do is approximate how a circumstance might make someone feel, but yeah, like you said—without the entire context of another person’s life, it’s impossible to truly understand what’s going on in the heart, good or bad.
When I listen to news commentators or talk radio (which I rarely do) I think of verse :3 the mouth of the fool is a rod of pride. When in truth ,they are often just expressing opinions. Verse :12 is the first real scripture I memorized when I came in the truth , there is a way that seems right to a man ,but its end is the way of death. Which to me means I need to keep my eyes and mind on the word of God because I can’t trust my own ways!
I totally agree! The news today is shouting of opinions and difficult to know what, if anything, is true reporting.
I use the weekly LHT Newsletter which in addition to blogs has a section of World News in Prophecy. Yes! We must stay close to God and His Word since His thoughts are higher than our thoughts & opinions.
I really like verse 14. My ESV version says,
“The backslider in heart will be filled with the fruit of his ways, and a good man will be filled with the fruit of his ways.”
I love that comparison of they both will be filled with fruit they are producing. They both produce, whether good or bad.
Ummm, good catch. I like that analogy. Just like we as God’s people are lights by our example – whether good or bad, we are still lights. Soft and gentle or irritating and glaring. We are still lights.
I was wondering why I didn’t catch that verse. Then I re-read it. Here is the NKJV
Proverbs 14:14 14 The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways,
But a good man will be satisfied from above.
Thanks a bunch!
“Proverbs 14:29 29 He who is slow to wrath has great understanding,
But he who is impulsive exalts folly.”
Ohhhh how I can be impulsive at times. Fortunately my hubby is a let’s sleep on it kind of person before making a decision.
I see a thread running through this chapter concerning knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
Consider verses 6, 8, 18 and 33.
Proverbs 14:10 jumped out at me. What it makes me consider is that only you really know how you think or what are you regret. I also think someone you don’t know does not have the context of your life to experience true joy with you whenever you experience a blessing. Any thoughts?
Ha! I’m catching up on previous days’ readings and this is the one that jumped out at me, too. I think the best you can do is approximate how a circumstance might make someone feel, but yeah, like you said—without the entire context of another person’s life, it’s impossible to truly understand what’s going on in the heart, good or bad.