March 18, 2025

Proverbs 18

All chapters: Proverbs

Read Proverbs 18.

What did you notice in your reading? Share your thoughts, questions, insights, and discoveries below.

It doesn’t need to be deep, profound, or even a new thought. Just something that has value to you!


  1. Jacob

    Proverbs 18:17 is one that has been on my mind for a few months now. The world we live in has so much information in it. So much conflicting information too and some things sound reasonable. To me it seems that more and more people are easily stirred up against something or for something but they never considered the full picture or the other side. Where I am gaining insights into myself in this Proverbs study is how many Proverbs are telling me to be patient, wait, and use my words wisely. Proverbs 18:21 is an important reminder for me.

    Proverbs 18:22 is one of the those scriptures that has been true for me.

  2. Robert Biskup

    Seems to be a lot of wisdom in these verses.
    I think these Two verses Are connected.

    Verse 13 tells us to hear out another person Fully before we answer and not to let our own thoughts nor our words interrupt their words.
    In Other words, don’t be so quick to judge another’s actions which, we know , is so easy to do.

    Verse 17 warns against our hearing only one side of a story or accusation. We should not make a judgment Until the other side is presented to us.
    Parents Usually are aware of this bit of wisdom


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