March 3, 2025

Proverbs 3

All chapters: Proverbs

Read Proverbs 3.

What did you notice in your reading? Share your thoughts, questions, insights, and discoveries below.

It doesn’t need to be deep, profound, or even a new thought. Just something that has value to you!


  1. Jeremy

    Verses 21-26 stood out to me today. I stress a lot about things breaking down—cars, appliances, etc.—because there’s always a cost of time, energy, and money when they do.

    Those verses describe a state of living, not where bad things never happen, but where someone trusts in God even when they DO happen. God takes care of us through the trouble, but not always allowing us to bypass it. We can just count on our foot not being caught—knowing we’ll get out of it eventually.

  2. Jacob

    Proverbs 3:18 is one of the few places in Scripture where the tree of life is mentioned. Wisdom is described or will be like a tree of life. I often wonder what that means. Is it a reference to abundance? Eternal life? Or God’s presence with those who walk with wisdom?

    • Jeremy

      Yeah! That’s intrigued me for a while now. I think it’s Genesis, Revelation and four times in Proverbs and that’s it. I’ve been wanting to do an in-depth study on that for a while now.

  3. Sarah Earles

    Verse 25 jumped at me today as I was in a conversation with a granddaughter who was concerned that I live alone and unprotected. “What would I do if a bad guy comes” was her question . I explained God was in control and I was ok. Verse 26 is also very comforting . There is so much in this book ,I wish I could retain it all !

  4. Mary Lallier

    :3 Interesting that the “son” is told to bind them and write them. I’ve always seen those things as something God does (writing something on a heart for example). To me that partially shows how our participation is required in our calling. God’s not going to call us and then expect nothing of us.

    :9-10 How counterintuitive! It doesn’t seem to make sense that giving away would actually increase your wealth. 🙂

    :11-12 One of my favorites— I love that it’s showing God corrects because He loves.

  5. Diane

    I just realized something, we began the Book of Proverbs on March 1st; therefore, we will finish the Book on the 31st 🙂

    “Proverbs 3:3 3 Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
    Bind them around your neck,
    Write them on the tablet of your heart,”

    If I want mercy and truthfulness extended to me by others, I must be mindful to do likewise.

    “Proverbs 3:5-6 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.”

    This is my prayer daily. I have seen too many times in my life where my own thoughts and understanding led me astray. I desperately need God to direct my path along His path of righteousness.


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