I think of verse:19 the way of the wicked is darkness they do not know what makes them stumble. I know many who are this way. They curse the darkness when they fall ,yet refuse to turn on the light . They continue with a lifestyle that is hurtful to themselves and others. When I think of my life and how sometimes I can stumble and not see the path because I’ve not been as close to God as I want to be. I’m so thankful that God is merciful and will give wisdom when asked.
Verse 23 gives me pause. The heart is the wellspring. What we allow to dwell in there—for good or for bad—spreads everywhere. It’s so easy to have blind spots and tell ourselves something is okay or not a big deal, but we need to be extremely discerning about what goes in.
V- 18 I was wondering does the perfect day refer to Christ return when we will be changed.
V-24 My first hought was to avoid people, entertainment that speak lies and preserve things. As was state in one of these comments watching what goes into our hearts and minds.
Verse 18 was something that struck me differently this read through. I think that we are walking the path throughout our life and I am hopeful it leads to increased righteousness. I don’t want to say it gets easier or clearer but that is how I naturally read the scripture. Maybe the more we utilize wisdom in our life the clearer cause and effect of our choices is shown to us.
“Proverbs 4:7 7 Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.”
I don’t remember going through the “Why?” stage as a child, but as an adult, especially since my calling which slowly began when I was about 17, I need to know “why”. I am not satisfied with knowing what or how. Learning and study have always been difficult for me, but pondering on the why of something helps bring me understanding.
“Proverbs 4:25-27 25 Let your eyes look straight ahead,
And your eyelids look right before you.
26 Ponder the path of your feet,
And let all your ways be established.
27 Do not turn to the right or the left;
Remove your foot from evil.”
We have been watching a series on Prime called Heartland about a family of ranchers. One daughter’s career is helping horses who have been abused or gone through a traumatic experience. She helps them by gently gaining their trust and confidence. Sometimes she uses blinders to help the horse focus and keep looking forward rather than being distracted.
If I have confidence in and trust our God, keeping my eyes forward and downward on His path, not being distracted by the world surrounding me on all sides, I can have faith that He will lead me on the path of righteousness no matter what the future holds for me and my loved ones.
Proverbs 4:18 is such a poetic way of describing the path or the way of righteousness. I think of walking a path at the beginning of day as the sun rises. It sometimes does not feel like the righteous path is clear or obstacle free, but this scripture reminds me that progress on the path leads to a brighter day. When I compare this scripture to verse 19 I am reminded that we all were in total darkness at one point, but the walking on the righteous path leads to the perfect day.
I think of verse:19 the way of the wicked is darkness they do not know what makes them stumble. I know many who are this way. They curse the darkness when they fall ,yet refuse to turn on the light . They continue with a lifestyle that is hurtful to themselves and others. When I think of my life and how sometimes I can stumble and not see the path because I’ve not been as close to God as I want to be. I’m so thankful that God is merciful and will give wisdom when asked.
Verse 23 gives me pause. The heart is the wellspring. What we allow to dwell in there—for good or for bad—spreads everywhere. It’s so easy to have blind spots and tell ourselves something is okay or not a big deal, but we need to be extremely discerning about what goes in.
:18 Do you think this is saying righteousness is something you grow in? Just as the sun gets brighter and brighter as it rises?
:24 I thought about how this is so much more than not having a “foul mouth.”
V- 18 I was wondering does the perfect day refer to Christ return when we will be changed.
V-24 My first hought was to avoid people, entertainment that speak lies and preserve things. As was state in one of these comments watching what goes into our hearts and minds.
Verse 18 was something that struck me differently this read through. I think that we are walking the path throughout our life and I am hopeful it leads to increased righteousness. I don’t want to say it gets easier or clearer but that is how I naturally read the scripture. Maybe the more we utilize wisdom in our life the clearer cause and effect of our choices is shown to us.
“Proverbs 4:7 7 Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.”
I don’t remember going through the “Why?” stage as a child, but as an adult, especially since my calling which slowly began when I was about 17, I need to know “why”. I am not satisfied with knowing what or how. Learning and study have always been difficult for me, but pondering on the why of something helps bring me understanding.
“Proverbs 4:25-27 25 Let your eyes look straight ahead,
And your eyelids look right before you.
26 Ponder the path of your feet,
And let all your ways be established.
27 Do not turn to the right or the left;
Remove your foot from evil.”
We have been watching a series on Prime called Heartland about a family of ranchers. One daughter’s career is helping horses who have been abused or gone through a traumatic experience. She helps them by gently gaining their trust and confidence. Sometimes she uses blinders to help the horse focus and keep looking forward rather than being distracted.
If I have confidence in and trust our God, keeping my eyes forward and downward on His path, not being distracted by the world surrounding me on all sides, I can have faith that He will lead me on the path of righteousness no matter what the future holds for me and my loved ones.
Proverbs 4:18 is such a poetic way of describing the path or the way of righteousness. I think of walking a path at the beginning of day as the sun rises. It sometimes does not feel like the righteous path is clear or obstacle free, but this scripture reminds me that progress on the path leads to a brighter day. When I compare this scripture to verse 19 I am reminded that we all were in total darkness at one point, but the walking on the righteous path leads to the perfect day.