November 28, 2014


Happy Sabbath, everyone!

You might have noticed that I’ve been a little behind on updating the blog lately—it’s been a busy couple of weeks! There’s been Thanksgiving preparations, adjusting to a new job, squeezing in an online course, and I think just a smattering of everything else you could possibly imagine. I’m hoping to get back to a regular posting schedule in the coming weeks, and I apologize for the inconsistency.

ScripPicThumbBut, on the brighter side, you might also have noticed a new page that popped up recently on the site: #ScripturePictures! It’s not updated consistently yet (surprise!), but be sure to check back every now and then to see what new scriptures have been added to the gallery. I have some plans for updating the whole page in the near future in order to make the images easier to share across Facebook, Pinterest, etc.—but for now feel free to browse, and check out the Sabbath Thoughts Facebook album to like and share your favorites.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and wishing you all a fantastic Sabbath day.

Until next time,



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