Names of God

The names and titles used by God in the Bible reveal His character.

YHWH Yireh: The LORD Will Provide

YHWH Yireh: The LORD Will Provide

"Is anything too hard for the LORD?" (Genesis 18:14) That's the question at the heart of Abraham's story—and at the heart of every Christian's...

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YHWH Nissi: The LORD Our Banner

YHWH Nissi: The LORD Our Banner

I'm a lot of things. I'm a husband. A father. A writer. An employee. A son. A brother. A friend. A blogger. A boardgamer. A tinkerer. These are some...

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YHWH: The God Who Is

YHWH: The God Who Is

Standing before the burning bush, commissioned by God to bring the children of Israel out of their oppressive servitude in the land of Egypt, Moses...

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El Roi: The God Who Sees

El Roi: The God Who Sees

There are few things more discouraging than discovering you're invisible—that your opinions don't matter, that no one cares how you feel, that...

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