
These Sabbath Thoughts were written with the Feast of Trumpets in mind.

Reverse Engineering Your Destiny

Reverse Engineering Your Destiny

The seventh trumpet. It's the moment everything changes. It's the reason "the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now"...

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The King Is Coming

The King Is Coming

It's been a long time since Christ told the Church, "Surely I am coming quickly" (Revelation 22:20). Almost two millennia, actually. And for those...

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As He Is

As He Is

The hardest thing about being a Christian, in my experience, is being a Christian—that is, a physical being from a physical world trying to follow a...

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The Last Trumpet

The Last Trumpet

"I can tell you exactly when Christ will return." My ears perked up at hearing this, because that is their default response whenever I hear someone...

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