Volume 2

These blogs are included in The Very Best of Sabbath Thoughts, Volume 2.

Running with the Gentiles

Running with the Gentiles

It would be so easy to fit in. A little compromise; that's all it would take. Skip church one time to go to that football game with your friends....

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Do You Want to Be Made Well?

Do You Want to Be Made Well?

The pool of Bethesda was a magnet for the sick and the infirm of Jerusalem. A great and pitiful multitude lay sprawled out across its five covered...

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The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

"Brilliant military strategist" are three words that have never been used to describe me, primarily because they would be a great big whopping lie....

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Be Ye Transformed

Be Ye Transformed

Blood is awesome. I'm a really big fan of how it circulates oxygen through my body and keeps me from being dead. That's fantastic. But you know...

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A World of Panes

A World of Panes

Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures. Their insanely high metabolisms require them to consume their own weight in nectar every day—meaning at any...

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Grafting In

Grafting In

"So you've decided to grow an apple tree. Congratulations! We're certain that you'll find this expedition into the realm of horticulture both...

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Fashioned With Hands

Fashioned With Hands

Built any gods lately? I'll admit it's an unusual question. "Built any gods?" This is the 21st century, after all. We have airplanes and spaceships...

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Lessons From Peter

Lessons From Peter

Peter tends to get a bad rap when it comes time to talk about the disciples. He spends the majority of the gospel accounts sticking his foot in his...

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My “SERVICE ENGINE SOON” light came on today. I hate that light. It is probably the most evil light in the world. That one light can mean everything...

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