"Are you ready?" That's the question I keep getting. It makes me laugh. Am I ready? Am I ready for my life to change in ways I've never experienced...
Volume 3
These blogs are included in The Very Best of Sabbath Thoughts, Volume 3.
When God Is Silent
Between the last page of the Old Testament and the first page of the New sits about 400 years of silence. Four. Hundred. Years. Four hundred years...
When We Were Human
A hundred years from now, where will you be? Dead, I suspect. Unless Jesus Christ returns between now and then, you will "go the way of all the...
Anchors Aweigh
Life is an ocean. It's vast, intimidating, and filled with things we don't fully understand. Storms can come out of nowhere and wreak havoc on our...
What’s Your Obstacle?
For the young ruler, it was riches. When he came to Jesus asking, "Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?" (Matthew...
3 More Lessons From 5 Awesome Years of Marriage
Marriage is awesome. Full stop. It tends to be the butt of a lot of jokes and ridicule, so I like to be the contrasting voice as often as I can....
There Will Be a Last Time
There will be a last time I ever make a stupid decision. There will be a last time I stub my toe. A last article I ever write. A last time I take...
He Asked for All the Fish
Have you ever wondered why? The Bible records two separate instances where Jesus miraculously fed thousands and thousands of people with only a...
What the Pharisees Can Teach Us About Preparing for Passover
During His time on earth, Jesus Christ had a lot of things to say about the Pharisees. They weren't kind things. Because they sat "in Moses' seat"...
Choosing That Good Part
This year, Mary and I decided to deleaven our house in the most exhausting way possible: Extensive. Home. Remodeling. See, we're hosting the Night...
A Lesson From the Gadarenes
The Gadarenes had a problem. Well, no. They had two problems—two demon-possessed men, "exceedingly fierce, so that no one could pass that way"...
There Is No Secret to Starting
I used to think there was. I still want there to be one, if we're being honest—some secret method to get started on important to-dos and make sure...
Close Doesn’t Count
I have a Fitbit. I have it because I also have an incredibly sedentary desk job, and I am more than capable of going multiple hours without so much...
The Zero-Sum Game
In the zero-sum game, I can't win unless you lose. I can't do better unless you do worse. Lots of things in life are zero-sum. Chess. Football...
The Sons of Korah: A Lesson in Chain Breaking
Last week's Sabbath Thought was a little on the gloomy side. I think we ended on a positive note, but looking at three separate stories of...
3 Ways to Better Help the Hurting
I've been there. And if you're being honest with yourself, you've probably been there too. You hear prayer requests at Church services, or maybe you...
Five Words
In Washington, DC, in a museum just down the road from the Smithsonian, there's an old, beat-up piece of wood on display. It's an important piece of...
Three Ways to Move a Mountain
I know of three ways to move a mountain. The first is to attempt some kind of herculean effort, tearing the whole thing off its base and tossing it...