You come home at the end of a long day, only to find the most important things in your life are gone.
What’s missing?
Is it stuff? Physical possessions? What about relationships? Authority? Memories? Reputation? Heirlooms? Accomplishments?
What about your calling, your hope, and your salvation?
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
(Matthew 6:21)
Where is the rest of “What’s Missing” on today’s Sabbath’s Thoughts? All I am able to get was the introductory statement and then “read more”. Maybe that was the point?? The article itself is missing.
I didn’t see the rest of the article, “What’s Missing?”; only read the introduction.
Hi all! Don’t worry, you’re not missing anything–this is all there is to the article 🙂 Just much shorter than usual is all!