How to Turn Success Into Failure

How to Turn Success Into Failure

The kingdom of Judah was in a bad way. Athaliah—wife of the late king Jehoram (who lived wickedly until he was struck down by God) and mother of the late king Ahaziah (also wicked; also struck down by God)—had taken control of the kingdom, slaughtering every heir to...
Ten Years of Little Steps

Ten Years of Little Steps

A little step is insignificant. A little step, taken once every day for ten years? Less insignificant. Over time, all those little steps add up to a much longer distance. I was baptized ten years ago today. When I look back at the days since then, I see a lot of...
Be Cézanne, not Picasso

Be Cézanne, not Picasso

When it comes to art, I have two basic rules: 1) It has to look nice and 2) I’m not paying more than $60 for it. This makes me uniquely unqualified to appreciate high art. We were at the Dallas Museum of Art a few years back, and we were looking at a lot of...
To the Angel of the Church in…

To the Angel of the Church in…

Imagine reading through Christ’s instructions to the seven churches of Revelation, only to get to the end of chapter three and discover an eighth message to an eighth congregation. Your congregation. What if it was there, plain as day, and you’d just never...
What We Do in the Storms

What We Do in the Storms

I will always have a lot of respect for Job. He catches a lot of flak for his behavior toward the end of the book, and it turns out, yeah, when you’re at the lowest point of your life and dealing with three insensitive and unhelpful “friends,” some...