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Jeremy, Page 4

Our Daily Bread

Boy, it would be easier if all we had to do was pray for our weekly bread, wouldn’t it? Or monthly bread. …

Smooshing the Clay

You and I—we’re not perfect. We know that. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? We follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ …

The Wilderness Road

Sixteen years. It was today, sixteen years ago, that I formally told God I was serious about this—that I wanted to see …

Better Than Stardust

Speaking of the formation of stars and solar systems, astronomer Carl Sagan once wrote, All of the rocky and metallic material we …

Some Thoughts About Scoops

I almost always make hot chocolate wrong. Those little Swiss Miss packets (or Greater Value packets, depending on where we are in …

What Job’s Friends Got Right

It’s easy to overlook—mostly because they spend 22 chapters saying some of the most unhelpful, insulting, misinformed things a person can possibly …

The Reset

Some weeks, I don’t want the Sabbath. I don’t want to stop. There’s too much to do, or else I’m in the …

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