Sabbath Thoughts

These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.

Do the Work

Do the Work

From a calendar perspective, Pentecost is an odd duck. It stands a good distance away from the hustle and bustle of the initial spring Holy day...

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The Red X Mentality

The Red X Mentality

Even now, it's there, waiting patiently in the corner of your screen. Waiting for you to get tired. Waiting for you to lose interest. The red X. It...

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The other day, a friend and I were talking about marking our Bibles. We're both terrible perfectionists, so we were lamenting how easy it is to feel...

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Keep Going

Keep Going

You didn't get it all, did you? Even now, as the Feast ends and we're allowed to bring things like bread and baking soda and self-rising flour back...

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When Israel first kept the Passover, it was with the backdrop of a broken, shattered Egypt. God had brought the mighty nation to its knees for the...

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Something Worth Dying For

Something Worth Dying For

They were all dead men. No one entertained any illusions of survival. It was not a possibility; it was not an outside chance; it was not a hope. To...

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Outlasting Entropy

Outlasting Entropy

It isn't going to last, you know. None of it will. It was never supposed to. Everything you see—everything you can touch, taste, hear, or...

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The Cost of Vision

The Cost of Vision

Some bad days you can see coming from a mile away. It's the little things that give it away, usually. Maybe you stub your toe first things after...

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A Blessing for the Tsar

A Blessing for the Tsar

The American political scene is an absolute circus, and the public is eating it up. The frontrunners of this country's two biggest political parties...

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It’s All Borrowed Time

It’s All Borrowed Time

"He's living on borrowed time." He cheated fate, in other words. He used up the days allotted to him, came up against the moment that should have...

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A Footnote to Be Proud Of

A Footnote to Be Proud Of

I'm fascinated by the Bible characters we know next to nothing about. Euodia and Syntyche were two hard-working Christians who had trouble getting...

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In Exodus 23:12, the Hebrew word for "refreshed" comes from the verb naphash (H5314). It's a primitive root that means to breathe, to be breathed...

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Running with the Gentiles

Running with the Gentiles

It would be so easy to fit in. A little compromise; that's all it would take. Skip church one time to go to that football game with your friends....

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Many Daughters Have Done Well

Many Daughters Have Done Well

Today's Sabbath Thought is going to be a little different than usual. I'd like to talk about something (or, more specifically, someone) who doesn't...

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The God of the Impossible

The God of the Impossible

The Israelites stood on the shore of the Red Sea, terrified. Before them stretched a formidable expanse of water; behind them gathered one of the...

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