Sabbath Thoughts

These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.

The Goal is Godliness

The Goal is Godliness

Sometimes the handiwork of God is hidden in the subtlest of details, visible to us only after years of reflection. Other times, He paints with...

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Turkey Day Flew Away

Turkey Day Flew Away

Well. Thanksgiving came and went like it usually does—sandwiched between announcements for doorbusters and slashed prices, marched away at the brisk...

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Following the Recipe

Following the Recipe

I remember a night several years ago when a friend decided he wanted to make some cookies. Now, there are a lot of accepted variations when it comes...

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The Value of a Believer

The Value of a Believer

Sometimes God's word looks like a great big list of don'ts—after all, eight of the Ten Commandments begin with "Thou shalt not." And how are we...

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Fashioned With Hands

Fashioned With Hands

Built any gods lately? I'll admit it's an unusual question. "Built any gods?" This is the 21st century, after all. We have airplanes and spaceships...

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“And Remember, Kids…”

“And Remember, Kids…”

My nieces and nephews have been watching an animated cartoon series called Veggie Tales. Maybe you've heard of it. It's a series that answers one of...

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The Counterfeit God

The Counterfeit God

It's hard to say with certainty when exactly counterfeiting became a problem for the human race, but a safe bet is just a couple seconds after Adam...

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Lessons From Peter

Lessons From Peter

Peter tends to get a bad rap when it comes time to talk about the disciples. He spends the majority of the gospel accounts sticking his foot in his...

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The Real World

The Real World

So the fall Holy Days are over again. There's never any way around it—the Feast of Tabernacles that we wait for with such eager anticipation ends so...

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For Pépère

For Pépère

When we open the pages of a history book, we expect to find the names and stories of great men and women—names that left their mark on the world,...

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The Last Trumpet

The Last Trumpet

"I can tell you exactly when Christ will return." My ears perked up at hearing this, because that is their default response whenever I hear someone...

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Reflections From a Six-Year-Old

Reflections From a Six-Year-Old

Six years. Has it really been that long? Sometimes it seems impossible for that much time to have passed; other times it seems like a story from...

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A Tabernacle on the Move

A Tabernacle on the Move

I've never heard anyone describe an assembly manual as "engaging." It's not for lack of exposure. I've seen a lot of them on the job site—I've even...

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On Whose Authority?

On Whose Authority?

Click. Through the wall, a muffled shout: "Get me out of here! I refuse to go on!" You glance over your shoulder and express your concerns to the...

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Thy Will and My Will

Thy Will and My Will

Given the choice, how would you run your life? And I'm not talking about the freedom you already have to make decisions and pursue goals—I'm talking...

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Good Without God?

Good Without God?

Who would you have become without God? I know who I'd be. At this very moment I'd probably be sitting in a crack den, covered from head to toe in...

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