Envision, for a moment, the least intelligent animal you can think of. Alright, show of hands. How many of you were picturing a dog? My...
Sabbath Thoughts
These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.
Life in the Not-So-Fast Lane
My wife and I just finished a twelve-hour drive from our home in Virginia to my old hometown in Massachusetts. Well, I say twelve. It was supposed...
A Loud World and a Quiet Voice
The world is so loud. All it takes is the push of a button for noise to come crashing in like an unrelenting waterfall. My car has a button that...
on The Right Kind of Freedom
The Fourth of July is a day when we, as Americans, collectively gather to reflect on the history of our great nation by launching thousands of...
Knowing the Heart
A wise man once said, "Know thyself"—but a wiser man said, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"...
Where Shall We Go?
I forget sometimes that Jesus had more than twelve disciples. I mean, yes, there were the twelve, the ones everyone remembers, the ones mentioned by...
Finding a Good Thing
It seems to me that as our society moves farther and farther from the idea of marriage as a sacred, God-ordained institution, the more the idea...
Lessons From a Broken Bradford
If you ever visit the southeastern United States, there are a few things you should expect to find—sweet tea, for instance. You're going to find...
Erasers and Wrecking Balls
There's a certain feeling of accomplishment that comes with watching a house come together from the ground up. To see a bare patch of earth become...
Going Where God Goes
Four thousand lifeless bodies were strewn about the battlefield. The army of Israel had suffered a terrible loss at the hands of their Philistine...
No App for That
I love my smartphone. The more I use it, the more I am convinced that its capacity to both save and waste time is nearly limitless. I have an app,...
The Battle for Peace
“Peace.” In the New King James Version of the Bible, that word appears in nearly 400 distinct verses. It’s a topic God inspired the writers of the...
Breaking Through Our Walls
Wolfgang Engels was a man on the wrong side of a wall. Conscripted into the East German army, nineteen-year-old Wolfgang Engels found himself tasked...
If I Just Had…
“Tomorrow” is a strange concept. No matter how close you come to it, you’ll never actually reach it—because once that clock ticks over to midnight,...
A Spiritual Stockholm
August 23, 1973 was a normal day at work for employees of Stockholm, Sweden’s Kreditbanken—normal, at least, until Jan-Erik Olsson entered the bank...
Learning to Do Good
After some 6,000 years of human history, I think we should all be able to agree: Humanity has no idea what it’s doing. There are some who would...
My “SERVICE ENGINE SOON” light came on today. I hate that light. It is probably the most evil light in the world. That one light can mean everything...
Pride and Prejudice and Pianos
“I certainly have not the talent which some people possess,” said Darcy, “of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch...