You and I—we’re not perfect. We know that. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? We follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ because we know we’re not...
Sabbath Thoughts
These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.
The Wilderness Road
Sixteen years. It was today, sixteen years ago, that I formally told God I was serious about this—that I wanted to see this journey through to the...
Learning to Love God’s Law
“Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Psalm 119:97). For a long time, I had trouble wrapping my head around that sentiment....
Better Than Stardust
Speaking of the formation of stars and solar systems, astronomer Carl Sagan once wrote, All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron...
Tedious Graffiti and Idle Scribbles
Before the city of Pompeii was entombed with ash for 1,500 years, it was covered with something else entirely: Graffiti. The eruption that destroyed...
Some Thoughts About Scoops
I almost always make hot chocolate wrong. Those little Swiss Miss packets (or Greater Value packets, depending on where we are in our monthly...
“But Let a Man Examine Himself”: 10 Questions to Ask Before Passover
If I’m not careful, my pre-Passover self-examination can take a sharp turn into unhealthy territory. It’s so easy to see the failure. Where I am...
What Job’s Friends Got Right
It’s easy to overlook—mostly because they spend 22 chapters saying some of the most unhelpful, insulting, misinformed things a person can possibly...
The Reset
Some weeks, I don't want the Sabbath. I don't want to stop. There's too much to do, or else I'm in the middle of a project I'm excited about....
Jonah Went Down
From the moment Jonah chooses to run from God, he begins a spiritual downward spiral. The author of the book highlights that spiral in the way he...
Making the Leap(s)
Growth is turbulent. That’s what I’ve discovered in my time as a parent. Mary and I have three—three!—kids now, and I’ve watched this truth play out...
The Feet of Your Enemy
Jesus washed Judas’s feet. He knew how the evening would unfold. He knew His disciple of three and a half years was about to betray Him into the...
Driving Like Jehu
Imagine having a driving style so unique, so identifiably yours that someone could spot you from a mile away. Jehu had that. When he led his...
A Realistic Approach to Growth
Growth is never as simple as it sounds. Ideally, it would look something like this: You put in the effort; you improve yourself. Over time,...
Getting Started
Over the last year or so, I’ve come across a handful of modern motivational phrases that have coalesced in my mind into something of a mantra: Done...
The Rebellion of Korah
After the Israelites refused to go up and conquer the Promised Land, God sentenced them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. The current,...
The Error of Balaam
Balaam’s story unfolds while Israel is making its way toward the border of the Promised Land. The nations around them are terrified. This ragtag...
The Way of Cain
Cain’s story isn’t an obscure one (Genesis 4:1-15). You’re probably already pretty familiar with it, but let’s do a real quick recap and highlight...