Sabbath Thoughts

These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.

Reverse Engineering Your Destiny

Reverse Engineering Your Destiny

The seventh trumpet. It's the moment everything changes. It's the reason "the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now"...

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How to Turn Success Into Failure

How to Turn Success Into Failure

The kingdom of Judah was in a bad way. Athaliah—wife of the late king Jehoram (who lived wickedly until he was struck down by God) and mother of the...

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3 Ways to Better Help the Hurting

3 Ways to Better Help the Hurting

I've been there. And if you're being honest with yourself, you've probably been there too. You hear prayer requests at Church services, or maybe you...

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Ten Years of Little Steps

Ten Years of Little Steps

A little step is insignificant. A little step, taken once every day for ten years? Less insignificant. Over time, all those little steps add up to a...

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Be Cézanne, not Picasso

Be Cézanne, not Picasso

When it comes to art, I have two basic rules: 1) It has to look nice and 2) I'm not paying more than $60 for it. This makes me uniquely unqualified...

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To the Angel of the Church in…

To the Angel of the Church in…

Imagine reading through Christ's instructions to the seven churches of Revelation, only to get to the end of chapter three and discover an eighth...

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What We Do in the Storms

What We Do in the Storms

I will always have a lot of respect for Job. He catches a lot of flak for his behavior toward the end of the book, and it turns out, yeah, when...

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Five Words

Five Words

In Washington, DC, in a museum just down the road from the Smithsonian, there's an old, beat-up piece of wood on display. It's an important piece of...

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The Gap

The Gap

So often, Pentecost feels to me like the last ellipsis before we trail off into deafening silence. We have this meaningful, tangible build-up to...

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Three Ways to Move a Mountain

Three Ways to Move a Mountain

I know of three ways to move a mountain. The first is to attempt some kind of herculean effort, tearing the whole thing off its base and tossing it...

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What’s Missing?

What’s Missing?

You come home at the end of a long day, only to find the most important things in your life are gone. What's missing? Is it stuff? Physical...

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Resisting to Bloodshed

Resisting to Bloodshed

Here's the bad news: Satan is out to get you. To destroy you. He wants very much to rip away your salvation, to crush your spiritual potential, and...

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Speed Limits

Speed Limits

There are quite a few ways to deal with speed limits. You can perpetually keep your speedometer sitting at five over. You can cheat the system...

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The Righteous Is Taken Away

The Righteous Is Taken Away

It's hard to dull the pain of losing someone we love. We know the verses. We know the promises. We know God's incredible, wonderful, beautiful plan....

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It’s Time to Fight

It’s Time to Fight

It was one of the last sentences Jesus spoke to His disciples before His crucifixion. A warning—and a promise: "These things I have spoken to you,...

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We Don’t Sign Off Anymore

We Don’t Sign Off Anymore

The Internet is everywhere. There was a time, not too long ago, when that wasn't the case. "Going online" used to mean double-clicking the little...

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How to Grow Old Poorly

How to Grow Old Poorly

The problem with getting older is that it happens when you're not looking. There was a time in my life when no sane human being would have...

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