May 31, 2020

How to Save the World

I want to live in a world where black people don’t have to worry about being abused, harassed, or murdered by police officers who have no business wearing the badge.

I want to live in a world where police officers who put their lives on the line to protect others aren’t vilified for doing their job.

I want to live in a world where anarchists don’t see a protest as an opportunity to loot a city and set it on fire.

But we don’t live in that world. We are a million light-years away from that world.

So how do we fix it? How do we save the world?

It’s simple, really:

We can’t.

It isn’t possible. No matter how much we might want it, no matter how much effort we put into it, we’re dealing with a foundational issue that stretches back to the dawn of human history. The world has been coming undone for 6,000 years, and no human being—no coalition of human beings—will ever have the insight and the ability to reverse it.

Which is good. Paul explains:

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.

(Romans 8:20-23)

Birth pangs. You don’t reverse birth pangs. You don’t find a solution for birth pangs. You move forward into something new. The change is essential and inescapable.

That’s what’s coming. A change. Something new. That’s what the whole creation is groaning for, whether it knows it or not. It’s what we who have the firstfruits of the Spirit are groaning for.

When that Spirit was poured out during the Feast of Firstfruits—Pentecost—almost 2,000 years ago, Peter was inspired to quote from the prophet Joel:

And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the LORD
Shall be saved.

(Acts 2:17-21)

The world can’t be saved. “The world is passing away” (1 John 2:17), to be replaced by “new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13). We need that, and nothing we’re capable of doing now can stand in as an acceptable substitute. But it’s not the world that needs saving, anyway. It’s the people in the world—and the solution has been sitting there in the book of Joel for thousands of years.

“Whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”

That’s the only solution, and that’s the reason any attempts to fix things in the here-and-now are doomed to failure. No problem in our world can be truly solved without repentant and obedient hearts that are willing to follow where God leads—and we will not have that until after things get much, much worse. Wonders in heaven above; signs in earth beneath. Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. It won’t be pretty—but it has to happen before things get better.

Pentecost is the start. Today is the start. So much of the world is burning, literally or metaphorically, and this is a day that reminds us why creation is groaning. A change is coming. Our ways aren’t working, our foundation is irreparably flawed, and we can’t fix any of it.

But God can. God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and those who turn to Him will be saved.

The Feast of Firstfruits pictures the beginning of a much greater harvest. Until then, we who have the firstfruits of that Spirit have to represent the change that’s coming. That means praying for a world that’s burning. That means treating others, even those who hate us, with love and respect. That means holding fast to the truth regardless of how others look at it.

None of it is going to be easy—but today is a day that reminds us why it’s important. The harvest is coming, and even though we can’t save the world, God has a plan to save the people in it. Pentecost matters—not just for us, but for everyone.

There’s a reason the world is groaning. Don’t forget it.

Until next time,



  1. Crystal

    Your writing is true, however, I came away feeling a sense of apathy. Surely none of us can fix the course of this world, however , I believe it should be emphatically stated and stated again, we are expected to be a light, rather than turn our thoughts to the habits, mood and cynicism of the world, but seek understanding with our fellow man, even one, so we may become better communicators, perhaps more trustworthy (lit up) and better prepared for our future work. I appreciate your writing. Thank you , and may God be with you.

    • Sunshine.Kamaloni

      Thank you,Crystal. You articulated my thoughts perfectly. This is not to take away from Jeremy’s work which is valued and always appreciated.

      I grew up in the church and I have always been taught, “we can’t save the world” and this is true. Only God can. But what do we do while we wait for God’s Kingdom? This is an area the church rarely ventures into practically. We avoid the appearance of taking sides in the church while there is a secret war right within – people take sides all the time. There are factions (liberals vs conservatives). We know that what happens in the world happens in the church too. We should be on God’s side. And God is so clear – He hates oppression of any kind. This is the time we need to be understanding what this means.

      • Crystal Black


        I appreciate the context and light you’ve added to my thoughts, enhanced by your own. Happy sabbath to you!

      • Jeremy

        Thanks, Crystal and Sunshine, for your replies. They’ve been on my mind this past week and I appreciate you sharing them 🙂 I didn’t intend this post to be a “we can’t truly fix anything so just ignore the problem” post, but a “step back and remember the bigger picture while we’re engaging with the problem” post. I can see how it may have come across sounding like the former instead of the latter, and I’m sorry if apathy came across instead of a desire to refocus.

        Been doing a lot of mulling things over this week. Hope you both have a wonderful Sabbath!

  2. Tess Washington

    The words of God in Joel 2:28-32 which was also quoted in Acts 2:17-21 by the apostle Peter are a source of hope for mankind, for all of us! It is a source of inspiration. We can look forward to the coming of those “last days”. Thank you Jeremy! May you and your family have a wonderful Sabbath celebration!

  3. Jill Clouthier

    Thank you. I didn’t get a sense of apathy; only encouragement.

  4. Wesley

    No lasting peace will happen until (carnal) human nature is changed. The Feast Pentecost in Acts was a “kick off” for that process, not to be finished until Christ establishes the Kingdom of God over all the earth.
    Eze 36:26  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.


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