Verse 13 Causes me to pause this morning. A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is a faithful spirit, conceals a matter. I wonder how many times I have revealed things that I should not have when talking with friends or chatting with family. I’m sure it has been many times. This is definitely something I need to work on not that I intend to be a talebearer, but sometimes I let things slip because of past hurts. Which is no excuse! I must remember verse :29 he who trouble his own house will inherit the wind. And I want to be in the kingdom and Inherit the promises that were made
Proverbs 11:30 is another verse about the tree of life. What interests me is that it is the “fruit of the righteous”, the product of a tree, is described as a tree of life. That puzzles me sometimes, but the Tree of Life in the garden was a tree that gave life and abundance. Maybe, the righteous is one that brings life to others through their words and deeds. Connecting it with the next phrase in the verse seems to imply that the righteous who has influence over others to help them steer clear of the wicked path is wise.
“Proverbs 11:4 4 Riches do not profit in the day of wrath,
But righteousness delivers from death.”
As I watch world News it seems like everything is ready to crumble all around us. I have been pondering – am I ready, am I prepared spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally to put my full trust in God should I lose our home and belongings, lose our investments and bank accounts? Will I have the courage to walk away from my family and friends when the time comes? Very sobering to take off my proverbial “rose colored glasses.”
So much of this chapter is heavily focused on the end result of righteousness and wickedness—how, ultimately, the scales will balance out. It might not always seem like God is paying attention along the way, but He is.
Verses 24-26 make me think about the pay disparity between billionaire CEOs and regular workers. The way so many people are struggling to make ends meet while a small handful have been clearly withholding “more than is right.” Not that everyone should be making the same amount, but there’s clearly some injustice going on at an enormous scale.
Verse 13 Causes me to pause this morning. A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is a faithful spirit, conceals a matter. I wonder how many times I have revealed things that I should not have when talking with friends or chatting with family. I’m sure it has been many times. This is definitely something I need to work on not that I intend to be a talebearer, but sometimes I let things slip because of past hurts. Which is no excuse! I must remember verse :29 he who trouble his own house will inherit the wind. And I want to be in the kingdom and Inherit the promises that were made
Proverbs 11:30 is another verse about the tree of life. What interests me is that it is the “fruit of the righteous”, the product of a tree, is described as a tree of life. That puzzles me sometimes, but the Tree of Life in the garden was a tree that gave life and abundance. Maybe, the righteous is one that brings life to others through their words and deeds. Connecting it with the next phrase in the verse seems to imply that the righteous who has influence over others to help them steer clear of the wicked path is wise.
I love how verse :24 is so against our human nature. From a logical perspective it doesn’t make sense that giving away will actually cause *increase.*
“Proverbs 11:4 4 Riches do not profit in the day of wrath,
But righteousness delivers from death.”
As I watch world News it seems like everything is ready to crumble all around us. I have been pondering – am I ready, am I prepared spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally to put my full trust in God should I lose our home and belongings, lose our investments and bank accounts? Will I have the courage to walk away from my family and friends when the time comes? Very sobering to take off my proverbial “rose colored glasses.”
So much of this chapter is heavily focused on the end result of righteousness and wickedness—how, ultimately, the scales will balance out. It might not always seem like God is paying attention along the way, but He is.
Verses 24-26 make me think about the pay disparity between billionaire CEOs and regular workers. The way so many people are struggling to make ends meet while a small handful have been clearly withholding “more than is right.” Not that everyone should be making the same amount, but there’s clearly some injustice going on at an enormous scale.