March 12, 2025

Proverbs 12

All chapters: Proverbs

Read Proverbs 12.

What did you notice in your reading? Share your thoughts, questions, insights, and discoveries below.

It doesn’t need to be deep, profound, or even a new thought. Just something that has value to you!


  1. Jacob

    Proverbs 12:9 is interesting. It sounds like it is saying that those who are seeking to appear wealthy or “great” are in a worse state than someone who has little but is able to support a servant. This chapter had a lot of practical proverbs that are good reminders for me. Work diligently. Don’t go after worthless pursuits (Proverbs 12:11). Today there are a lot of “pursuits” one can get involved these days.

  2. Diane

    Prov 12:1,28
    1 Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid.
    28 In the way of righteousness is life,
    And in its pathway there is no death.

    This chapter opens and closes with these two verses and in-between are many verses condemning those who have lying lips.

    Well, I do love instruction and strive to change from receiving, digesting, and applying the Word of God taught to me through His servants.

    It is my desire to make the corrections needed before God needs to handle it with a trial. By doing so, I hope to stay on the pathway that leads to life, not death.

  3. Jeremy

    Verse 4 reminds me how blessed I am to have such a wonderful crown 😊


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