So here's the thing.

is accidentally

The bad news

We've experienced something that experts typically refer to as "a big ol' whoopsie."

In less technical terms, we've lost about a year and a half worth of data. Comments, posts, email subscriptions—anything that happened here since February of 2023 has un-happened. The comments and subscriptions are gone forever. BUT...

The good news

I have copies of most (maybe all?) of the deleted posts on my computer. I'll have to manually re-upload each of them, but they WILL be back eventually.

And since everything is a little tohu and bohu at the moment, I figure now is probably a good time to finally give this decade-old blog a fresh coat of paint. I've been meaning to spruce things up for a while, but now I have some pretty compelling motivation!

The bad news (again)

It's going to take a while.

While I'm breaking things behind the scenes, I'm temporarily closing off the rest of Sabbath Thoughts. Until things are ready to go again, this page is Sabbath Thoughts.

For how long? I don't know. I'm not super great at things like "estimating" or "knowing what I'm doing." But I'm going to try very very hard to make the final product worth the wait. I have a few surprises in mind that I hope you'll enjoy when it's all said and done.

In the meantime...

  • Don't forget that you can download four Sabbath Thoughts ebooks for free over at Gumroad. Just type in $0 for the price and add the EPUB files to your favorite e-reader!
  • Go follow the Sabbath Thoughts Facebook page—I'll try my best to send out progress updates as I'm able!
  • Maybe send up a prayer or two? Life has been a bit hectic lately, and my family wouldn't object to calmer waters for a little while.

Thanks for being part of this

I've had so many people reach out to me throughout the years to say they've found some value in Sabbath Thoughts. If it wasn't for that, I'd be tempted to pack the whole thing up and call it a day. But your continued encouragement and support—knowing that, in some small way, this little project is doing some good—makes it all worth it.

So ... thanks for that.

I'm excited to share what's next with you :)

Until next time,

Stay tuned!

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