Tomorrow, we're going to start moving through the book of Proverbs on the Read & Reflect section of the site. I hope you'll consider joining us...
Sabbath Thoughts
These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.
The secret to being good at something
. . . is to be willing to be bad at it first. That usually means looking foolish in front of others. It means lacking the tools, skills, and even...
How many stones does it take to kill a giant?
Easy. Just one. …Probably. If everything goes according to plan. But… whose plan? And that’s where faith gets complicated. David had absolute...
A Fool and His Barns (or: What Will You Have When It’s All Over?)
Stop me if you've heard this one. Once upon a time, there was a wealthy landowner who wound up with more crops than he knew what to do with. His...
When Your Soul Says “HurgamurnurdodoDODORRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGH”
Peter’s at a tough age. That age is called “three.” He is a kind, sweet, sensitive, thoughtful, empathetic, loving little boy who sometimes finds...
The Halfway Point
If you had to guess what your life would look like 17 years from now, do you think you could do it with any degree of accuracy? I couldn’t. And that...
A good work
Hey. Take a look at this verse: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”...
Lights, Baskets, and Good Deeds
If you’re doing good things in order to be seen, you’re doing them for the wrong reason. But if you’re doing good things, you will be seen. “For...
Praising the God Who Takes Away
It’s easy to praise the God who gives you what you ask for. The God who opens doors of opportunity for you. The God who pours down blessings on you...
The Enemy of Holiness
How do you make something holy? Trick question—you can’t. You can keep something holy, like the Sabbath. God told us to “remember the Sabbath day,...
Belonging to the Way
Before they were known as Christians, the early followers of Jesus Christ were identified as “belonging to the Way” (Acts 9:2, ESV). I love that. It...
A big ol’ box of air
I’m big into board games. If you know me, this is no surprise. Even if you don’t know me, it’s probably not much of a surprise. I’ve already...
The hand that wrote this
The year was 1089. A scribe sat down to finish his current project: a handwritten copy of the gospel accounts in Greek. He wasn’t the first to do...
Dragging God With Us
On Sinai, God gave Moses verbal blueprints for constructing His tabernacle—the tent in which He would dwell with Israel during their time in the...
A short parable
“My choices are my business and no one else’s,” says the man as he drives his car into the concrete median, backing up traffic for miles. The impact...
The Unleavened Life: Taking in Sincerity and Truth
With three little ones involved, Mary and I have discovered that the deleavening process takes more time than it used to. We lack the time (and...
Blood on the Doorposts
Up until the tenth plague, it was enough to just be an Israelite. Beginning with the flies of the fourth plague, God “set apart the land of Goshen,...
The Ball Pit of Destiny
You’re standing at the edge of a ball pit. The pit itself is three feet high—about the level of your waist. For the most part, it looks exactly like...