is to stretch. And the only way to stretch is to push yourself to the very limit of what you can handle…and then push some more. It's uncomfortable....
Sabbath Thoughts
These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.
Welcome to the Family
This year, I spent Thanksgiving week with people who, ten years ago, were complete strangers to me. Today, I call them family. They came with my...
Lost in the Mail
A few weeks ago, my wife and I received a letter from everyone's favorite institution: the credit card company! It was, of course, filled with the...
They Shall War No More
On our way to the Feast this year, my wife and I met up with some of our family to tour the USS Alabama. It was gigantic. That's what impressed me...
The Second Best Time to Plant a Tree
"Lord, Lord, open to us!" But the door remained shut. From the other side, a voice: "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you." * * * To the...
Bread in the Wilderness
Time limits change things. When we're free to complete a task at our leisure, it's easy to put it off. "I'll get to it later." And later. And later…...
Finding the Lonely Places in an Overly-Connected World
Ding. I hate that noise. No matter how hard I try, it's impossible to keep my brain from honing in on the source with laser-like accuracy. Ding....
Peering Beyond the Final Chapter of God’s Plan
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Wow. What a sentence. In the beginning, God created everything. Everything. There was...
Just Passing Through
The Feast of Tabernacles is almost here. Are you excited? Of course you are. That was a silly question. I don't know that I've ever met someone not...
The Devil Didn’t Make You Do It
Here's a fun thought experiment: Where do you think the human race would be today if Satan hadn't been in the garden with Adam and Eve? The third...
We Need Your Gift
Nobody wants to be the guy with one talent. One talent is scary. The guy with two talents, he can afford to lose a whole talent and still bounce...
As He Is
The hardest thing about being a Christian, in my experience, is being a Christian—that is, a physical being from a physical world trying to follow a...
Le meilleur des mondes possibles
Mr. Blackwell's fifth-grade social studies class. That's the question everyone asks, isn't it? "Where were you when it happened?" That's where I...
Not Now, Not Ever
In English, a double negative flips a sentence on its head. To say that something was "not without its challenges" is just a confusing way of...
How Much Sin Can You Handle?
Zero. The answer is zero. You can handle sin about as effectively as you can handle bullets in your vital organs—that is to say, not at all. Sin...
“Simple” and “Easy” Are Two Different Words
So are "hard" and "complicated." He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And...
Hiraeth for the Kingdom
One of my favorite things about foreign languages are the words that don't translate well. A crêpe, for instance, is not what most Americans call a...
“Precious in the Sight of the Lord Is the Death of His Saints”
I think any words I add to this story will only cheapen it, so I'll keep my part short. If you haven't already heard, this past Sunday, an assistant...