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In the Beginning, God Created

In the Babylonian tablets called Enuma Elish, Marduk creates the earth when he rips apart the body of the sea goddess Tiamat, …

Small and Great

“And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God” (Revelation 20:12). I don’t always stop to appreciate what an incredible …

Feast Photo Contest Winners!

Wow! What an incredible bunch of photos everyone submitted! I loved getting to look through all the snapshots of Feast experiences around …

Submit Your Photos!

No Sabbath Thought this week, but I am excited to announce that we have a place to submit your photos for the …

They All Saw It

Twelve spies saw the Promised Land. They all agreed that it was something special—a land filled with incredible blessings from God. They …

And No One Shall Make Them Afraid

When’s the last time you were afraid? I’m not talking about feeling nervous or uneasy or a little anxious. I’m talking about …

Feast Photo Contest!

Hi all! No Sabbath Thought this weekend, but I wanted to wish you all a FANTASTIC Feast of Tabernacles full of blessings …

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