"Authentic" is the word to be these days. To call something authentic—a business, a product, a person—is an incredible compliment, and most of us...
Sabbath Thoughts
These posts are the heart and soul of the blog—food for though on God’s Sabbath day.
Be Holy, for I Am Holy
Nadab and Abihu were dead. In a single moment, the two brothers had been devoured by fire from heaven. God had killed them. But why? Nadab and Abihu...
The Difference a Year Can Make
2018 was a rough year for the Feast of Tabernacles. Our daughter, Primrose, was only 4 weeks old and we drove 8 hours (a 5 hour trip in theory—ha!)...
The Overclocked Christian
The Raspberry Pi is a $35 credit-card sized computer that programming hobbyists have used in some pretty spectacular projects. A quick search will...
YHWH Nissi: The LORD Our Banner
I'm a lot of things. I'm a husband. A father. A writer. An employee. A son. A brother. A friend. A blogger. A boardgamer. A tinkerer. These are some...
The Power of 1%
Most of us look at change as the giant leap from where we are now to where we want to be—a transformation we make at full tilt, hurling ourselves...
How the Greek Present Tense Offers Hope for Your Salvation
I'm not a Greek scholar. I should probably start with that before I get too far into writing a blog about ancient Greek verb constructs. I don't...
YHWH: The God Who Is
Standing before the burning bush, commissioned by God to bring the children of Israel out of their oppressive servitude in the land of Egypt, Moses...
When You Don’t Realize How Thirsty You Are
I bet you could have heard a pin drop.
A whole week of celebrating the living water poured out from the pool of Siloam, and Jesus stands up to say, “You’re missing the point.”
Waiting for the Final Trumpet
Guys, being a Christian is hard. I mean, maybe that's just me. But I don't think so. I think we're all on the same page here. It is hard to...
What Are You Adding to the Temple?
The efforts to rebuild the temple hit quite a few roadblocks. Some of those roadblocks were external—sabotage from neighboring troublemakers,...
Jesus Wept
But why? It's the shortest verse in the Bible, and it's often quoted as a reminder that the Son of God wasn't some emotionless stoic devoid of...
Paul wrote about "God, who cannot lie" (Titus 1:2). Cannot. In English, "cannot" often implies some kind of outward restraint. "I'd like to, but I...
El Roi: The God Who Sees
There are few things more discouraging than discovering you're invisible—that your opinions don't matter, that no one cares how you feel, that...
Mount Moriah loomed in the distance, and with each footstep, the mountain seemed to grow bigger and more intimidating. Abraham has spent much of his...
The Chumps Who Had to Move the Tabernacle
The Israelites spent 40 years wandering through the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. That's 40 years of setting up camp and taking down...
"And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him, Jesus, knowing that the...
Earthen Vessels
Babies are pretty incompetent. I mean that in the nicest way possible, but it's true—at least for human babies. The animal kingdom is a whole...