Jonah Went Down

Jonah Went Down

From the moment Jonah chooses to run from God, he begins a spiritual downward spiral. The author of the book highlights that spiral in the way he narrates the story. As soon as Jonah decides to flee, the story says he “went down to Joppa” (Jonah 1:3). After paying the...
Making the Leap(s)

Making the Leap(s)

Growth is turbulent. That’s what I’ve discovered in my time as a parent. Mary and I have three—three!—kids now, and I’ve watched this truth play out over and over again. The turbulence, from our perspective, always feels like it comes out of the blue. We find a...
The Feet of Your Enemy

The Feet of Your Enemy

Jesus washed Judas’s feet. He knew how the evening would unfold. He knew His disciple of three and a half years was about to betray Him into the hands of sinners—wicked men who would ensure He died one of the cruelest deaths any human could inflict on another. What’s...
Driving Like Jehu

Driving Like Jehu

Imagine having a driving style so unique, so identifiably yours that someone could spot you from a mile away. Jehu had that. When he led his insurrection against the kings of Israel and Judah, the watchman at the town of Jezreel recognized him from an incredible...
A Realistic Approach to Growth

A Realistic Approach to Growth

Growth is never as simple as it sounds. Ideally, it would look something like this: You put in the effort; you improve yourself. Over time, continuous effort would produce a constant self-improvement. As people—as followers of God—we’d just keep getting better and...